
Thursday 27 January 2011

COD Black Ops

I hate and love this game, it really pisses me off how much of a big sucsses it was and I don't blame it. I like every kid in the milky way got this game within the month it came out, I think it starts out in a chair but this game went by far to fast for me. I do however like how they explain no controls or objectives because if you have this game you already now how to play it and could desire the controls faster then you breath. The campain is a stage at best but I think it was just showing off with dramatic plot twists and deaths in every minute.
Zombies, oh my god zombies. This game just shot up 15 marks, wow I can't belive they really hit the nail on th- oh, wait it's full of racist stereotypes and unrealistic hard to follow plots... Yeah. The zombies was a bit of a crowd pleaser but it really dose do what I want in a zombie game.
Multiplayer... No

Characters, OK do you really care? Fine, you play the gritty American Alex maison and I hated him as soon as he opened his pie scoffing American face. Everyone eles was ether Russian or annoying or in quite a lot of cases dead. How do I describe this game... COD

Gamer kid

1 comment:

  1. You are a bit of a hypocrite Joe, saying you hate the racist stereotypes then you say that you hated Alex Mason as soon as he opened his "Pie scoffing mouth" it shouldn't have zombies cause it doesn't apply to the rules of zombies. If you shoot a zombie's head off, they die, however in Black Ops, if you shoot a zombie's head off the come ruuning at you saying "eareghkkvgfljbalsgjblshhjk" which means "Look at me, I have no head but who cares, I am going to kill you"
