
Thursday 30 September 2010

Top 10 Games

Why hello there, welcome to the very first instalment of Gamer Kid. I'm going to start off with my Top ten games, so you know what I'm into.


I've only put up to 3 because in my mind there are only 3. I like these games because I like rock, but there is something fun about being rewarded for hitting the right buttons in order. But as you can see it's only 9 because there is something degrading about it, like it's saying " Oh I'm sorry, you're not good enough to play a real guitar, here, have this thing that looks like a guitar but is actually nothing like a guitar." Still I recommend this game to any one who wishes they could play the guitar, but can't because they suck. i'd say its like drinking, sad on your own but great fun with a friend.


This game is amazing, I really like it. It really stood out in the Time Splitters series, I really wish I could
put it higher on my list but it could be much better, the reason it stands out is because it's funny , I only played a bit of Time Splitters 2  and it was really dull, just another FPS. The problem is that funny is all it's got. Everything else is just OK. Nothing special. I do however like the story and the puzzles. SPOILER ALERT, SPOILER ALERT there is a great part in it where you encounter a locked door and your past self comes out of a worm hole has a conversation with you, gives you the key and leaves, really later on, you see a worm hole go through it and play the same cut seen. SPOILER ALERT OVER

8.Saints Row 2
This is ridiculously fun, not necessarily a good game but so much fun, its like if grand theft ato was bright colorful and had a hell of alot more freedom, speaking of GTA4, i got this game before GTA4 and it made me want to go and play more saints row, i cant describe to you why this game is more fun so im going to tell you some things you can do (its esier with cheats but that's just me) ride a UFO, gun old people down in a man-kine, kill someone and then press a button that makes him slowly pretend to teabag them while sayin "i brought you a present". OK pretty immature but what did you expect from a game where you can play as an obese man with a Cockney accent and a traffic cone on his head surfing on a car i am not joking.       


There is something about zombies that I love and I have no idea what it is. The resident evil sires is one I have yet to play but I am told that I shouldn't because this is the only good one. In this game you play as Leo, a survivor of the zombie outbreak on a mission to rescue the president s daughter from blah blah blah. Lets just sum it up and say kill all the zombies. this game really shouldn't have a plot. To make a good story for a zombie game you simple say "you good, zombies bad, any questions." e.g Left 4 dead. To sum it up I'd say that this game is some mindless zombie fun.


This is another example of the old Nintendo. I must admit that I never completed this game but that really doesn't matter, I think games are to easy now anyway. You probably know Samus and if you don't you should be ashamed. Samus is the heroin for Nintendo who tragically  passed away upon the release of Metroid Other M. this however is a great game because it is still one of the most puzzling games I've ever played and I love it. SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT my favourite part is the very first boss which
(I am not joking) is a giant nit. Really, if you can find me a better boss fight than Samus VS A GIANT FLIPPING NIT then please tell me SPOILER ALERT OVER

Hi again, now we're down to the top 5, I'm gunna  recommend all these games to you especially the NO#1

5.Dead Rising 2
now this is near perfection in zombie fun, you got a ridiculous protagonist as in *thats ridiculous, hes taking himself seriously in women's clothes and groucho marks glasses* you got a shopping center bursting with zombies and finaly the best part is the weapons, the game has ridiculus weapons  scattered e.g. a giant statue of liberty torch, but the real fun is in the combinations e.g. knife gloves, boxer gloves with wolverine stile knifes, yet again it has a stupid story line and for some reason you have a time limit t go to the next mission or it tells you that you LITERALLY  FAILD EVERYTHING EVER. its just there to piss me off. still a wonderful way to spend an evening... oh yeah and there is a multiplayer that actually surprised me and... yeah it was utter shit, but it did try. 


I am a big fan of Prince Of Persia and can put it at number 3 without a second thought. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of any of the other games. The even made an awful film about it. but I'm not going to dwell on that. The almost got it right with Sands Of Time by giving it amazing puzzles like the original platform game (the first game) but made the combat awful and knocking it down a notch. On the next game, Warrior Within, the did exactly the opposite, I can see there point though so I can't really blame them. On the last game, Two Thrones, they tried to combine the great gameplay  with awesome combat but must of got lost somewhere on the way as it isn't the best game ever created. I cant decide which of the three is better so I'm lucky I bought them as a box set.


As I said earlier, I love zombies, and when it comes to zombies Left 4 Dead2 takes the biscuit. you might of noticed that I haven't put Left 4 Dead on and that is for the simple reason that I haven't played it. The only problem is that it's best played with 4 friends as the title suggests and I'm sure it great with 4 friends but I haven't got 4 friends who want to sit in my room and play Left 4 Dead2. Still, just amazing. I do love the extra thing about special zombies and LOVE the online thing where you can play as a special zombie, but it can't get bonus marks for that because its ONLINE and as you might of guessed, i hate online. Still. Great.

2:Half life
oh this game kicks ASS, you play as everyone's favourite silent protagonist, Gordon freeman, a scientist who while doing an experiment cocks it u big time and unleashes aliens, talk about messing up, you solve puzzles  while shooting aliens and trying to escape the facility, the game is awesome, the sequel is awesome as well, this is defiantly the half life franchise that is awesome and at no.2.

wait a minute, half life is one of the greatest games ever, what could possible be.. ok its bloody obvious.

And Finally...

This is the greatest game to this day. I haven't got anything bad to say about this game. Really. I rarely say this but I can't  wait for the sequel to come out. This game reminded me that there is a God and its name is Valve.
Every game they created is just pure win. Win win win win win win win win.  If you haven't heard of portal then here is a quick summery, you play a woman in a weird science lab and you have to complete levels using the magic of portals. you then obtain one of the greatest guns in the world, the portal gun. You are guided by probably one of the best voice actors ever. You might have heard this on the internet and not know en what it is but all the way through the game, the robot voice promises you cake, if you are smart you might find a hidden room where written on the wall in blood is the words "the cake is a lie."
Pure genius 

 Now you know my top 10 favourite games you can go out and buy them, go on, off you pop.
see you later


  1. Great line-up, you should have replaced Resident Evil 4 with Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 1 is better than Resident Evil 4, In fact Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 are better than 4, you should have a go on them, they are a hell more scarier and the combat may be a bit bad but it adds to the scariness!

  2. I'm guessing you haven't actually played resident evil 4 have you
