
Monday 4 October 2010

Saints Row2

OK let me get this out of the way before I start my review, Gamer Kid is every THURSDAY evening. As you might have noticed today is not Thursday, I'm posting this today because I'm going to be away for Thursday. Now we can get on with the review.
I still don't know if I like this game or not, I've come to the conclusion that this game is like a knitted sweater brought to you in bubble wrap, you play with the bubble wrap and at first it's fun but then you're going to realise that all you've got is an itchy sweater. So you start off the game in jail, talk about missing the action. I never played the first game but every one reminds you that at the end of that game you are cooked to perfection in a boat. Because of this you get plastic surgery in jail and get to choose what you look like. Of course, I made mine a obese black man with a cockney accent. Oh and theirs this long running joke where your old friends will say you look different and ask's if you did something with your hair.A ha ha ha oh dear. The game then pushes you on Wherevervilll and reveals its sandbox nature. Now if your new to the concept of gaming then you probably don't know what a Sandbox game is so here is a brief history of sandbox's. The first sandbox and the most famous is Grand Theft Auto where you go wild in a city, they do have a story and a set mission to do but you will probably not do them and instead just muck around. Think of a sand pit, it doesn't tell you what to do just lets you do it yourself. Their is a big difference between this and Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row is more fun. Its silly and, like bubble wrapper, fun. Until later. I get this with most sandbox's, they become mundane and dull. I think that this game has a grudge against bikers because if you hit a step at 10mph you might as well write your will which is really annoying, so I immediately bought a motorcycle to show the game who's boss and quit frankly it was awesome, you could turn speed bumps into ramps and pop wheelies. This dose however bring me onto my final complaint and it is a big one. the vehicles, not the cars and motorbikes but any other one, the boats in particularly, I HATED THEM, and it wouldn't be such a big complainant if they didn't constantly make you use them. its like riding a cat having a fit on roller blades. I wouldn't say that this is a bad game but its not exactly on the list, its just really dumb. That sums it up.
Gamer Kid

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