
Thursday 14 October 2010

Kill Zone2

Wow this game is bad, I am really going to enjoy reviewing this because reviewing a bad game is amazingly fun, lets keep track of how many problems there are.
Kill Zone2 at a first glance looks like a long planned out,well done game, the graphics are stunning and it looks pretty intense, but this game showed me to never judge a book by its cover as we get a horrible story about some kind of war between your guys and the Helgans, but by what the guy was saying he sounded like some kind of future Hitler which is good because he's the ambassador for the aliens, Problem number 1, the game drags it out for so long it gets dull, showing off its lovely graphics trying to hide the fact that NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID WAR.Thank god for the skip button
The cut seen finally ends and... Problem number 2, the controls for shooting and aiming, why is it so hard to just (PS3 controls) have L1 to aim, L2 to shoot. No, this game feels it has to be original and makes you (still PS3 controls) press down on the right analog stick to aim and R1 to shoot and you have to move your camera with the right analog stick and ARGHHHH, I think your purposely trying to annoy me. You do play as Sev, the game assumes you played the first game and makes references. problem number 3, They make everyone in this game annoying and ether black or a red neck. All of them clearly love Their America loads an...Problem number 4 WHERE DO THEY COME FROM. The game just forgets what planet they're from never mind country, I'm going to assume your human. So we fight the infamous Helgans and realise that all your comrades are made of paper-mache, not the annoying main characters though, no, they're far to annoying to die( notice that I haven't put this as a problem because I expected nothing else from an awful FPS)  You kill a few guys and blow up some bridges but... The final Problem, It all feels quit unreal, everything has a small delaying time which gives a sticky feel to the game, like your not really controlling 
Sev but the guy giving orders to him which ruins the First Person effect quit a bit.

There are probably quit a lot more things wrong with this game but I stopped playing after the first mission, all these problems came from the first 5 MINUTES of the game, that is an all time low for gaming except for maybe Eye pets but I'm just glad I don't have to review that. NO. NO. NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


1 comment:

  1. Good review Joe, once I have completed Medal of Honor (the new one) I'm gonna review that!
